Our comprehensive Marijuana Quiz consists of 30 questions with multiple choice answers to select from. These questions cover a wide range of topics related to cannabis, including questions about marijuana addiction, potency, history, political status and much more. As you look through the potential multiple choice answers, you’ll find that you might know some of these answers, but few will know all of them. Once you’ve chosen an answer, click the black toggle switch to check your answer. All information and answers published on the marijuana quiz contain links and references for the source material used to create each part of the quiz. Challengers, please write in with your citations. This marijuana quiz is sufficient for educational and activist purposes and can be share with attribution to MarijuanaGames.org.
Question #1: Is marijuana addictive?
- Yes, marijuana dependency occurs in some users
- No, addiction to marijuana is not possible
- Yes, but only psychological addiction
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #1″]Although more research is needed, around 9% of people who use marijuana will become dependent, according to a number of studies.
Marijuana Dependence and Its Treatment Addict Sci Clin Pract. 2007 December; 4(1): 4–16. PMCID: PMC2797098 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2797098/
Effects of THC and lofexidine in a human laboratory model of marijuana withdrawal and relapse. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2008 Mar;197(1):157-68. Epub 2007 Dec 27.
Relapse in outpatient treatment for marijuana dependence
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment Volume 25, Issue 2 , Pages 85-89, September 2003 02/07/2003 http://www.journalofsubstanceabusetreatment.com/article/S0740-5472(03)00083-7/abstract[/toggle]
Question #2: How many people are in U.S. prisons for non-violent marijuana-related offenses?
- 1.4 million
- 140,000
- 40,000
- 240,000
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #2″]Approximately 40,000 people are in state or federal prison for marijuana-related offenses based on 2004 US Bureau of Justice statistics; half of these people are incarcerated based on marijuana charges only. Current Bureau of Justice statistics indicate as few as one tenth of one percent of federal and state prisoners in the US are incarcerated based on marijuana charges alone. However, at the time this quiz question was published, the lack of federal funding in the U.S. resulted in the Bureau of Justice website being shutdown.
State and Federal Marijuana Prisoners
Top 10 Marijuana Myths and Facts
Question #3: What are the maximum U.S. federal sentencing guidelines for a first-time offense of possession of any amount of marijuana?
- 5 years in prison and $5,000 in fines
- 3 months in jail and $300 in fines
- Small amounts of marijuana have no sentencing guidelines in the U.S.
- 1 year in prison and $1,000 in fines
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #3″]Up to one year in prison and $1,000 in fines can be handed out for possession of even a small amount of marijuana.
Question #4: Does holding your hit longer get you higher?
- Yes – This is true
- No- This is false
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #4″]It’s probably not beneficial to hold a hit any longer than a few seconds. By most accounts, about 95% of THC is absorbed by the lungs almost immediately. Because the lungs must be activated in order to extract the remaining active materials, the user would need to exhale and inhale again in order to make a “second pass.” However, at this time we could not find any direct clinical or other authoritative research to support this. Most of the anecdotal literature and a large consensus of forum postings online agree that it is not necessary and may in fact be harmful to hold a hit longer than a few seconds. Challengers please write in with your citations.[/toggle]
Question #5: What is the safest way to use marijuana?
- A bong with ice and cold water
- Vaporizer
- Joint or blunt in natural wraps
- Direct consumption – eating marijuana products
- Smoking – pipes
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #5″]Direct consumption of marijuana – eating it – is the safest or healthiest option because there is no smoke or particulates involved. However, many people are unable to properly regulate dosing when directly consuming marijuana, leading to a high that is too intense for some. Therefore, vaporization may be a better option and a safer one than inhaling marijuana smoke, although vapor contains particulates that could include arsenic. More studies are needed.
National Cannabis Prevention and Information Center
Americans for Safe Access – Guide to Using Medical Cannabis
Question #6: Is it Legal to Use/Possess Marijuana in Amsterdam, The Netherlands for recreational purposes?
- Yes
- No
- Yes with certain restrictions
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #6″]Cannabis is not legal in any part of the country; it is merely tolerated (and decriminalized for small amounts) by the authorities. Public use, possession and other marijuana offenses are still punishable in the Netherlands under some conditions, and recent legislation has sought to restrict and even completely shutdown the world-famous Dutch coffeeshops.
Legality of Cannabis by Country
Selling soft drugs is not a right even in the Netherlands
European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Addiction
Question #7: Is it Legal to Use/Possess Marijuana in Jamaica for recreational purposes?
- No – Marijuana is NOT legal
- Yes – Marijuana is Legal
- It is Legal in Some Areas of the Country
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #7″]It is ILLEGAL to use, possess, buy, sell or transport marijuana in Jamaica, according to the U.S. Department of State.
Question #8: Is it legal to use/possess marijuana in Spain for recreational purposes?
- Yes – Marijuana is Legal in Spain
- No – Marijuana is NOT legal in Spain
- Yes – But there are some conditions
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #8″]While it is not legal to publicly use, buy or distribute marijuana, Spain’s privacy laws are very liberal. Essentially, what you do in the privacy of your own home is legal, including using or growing marijuana. Because cannabis clubs are registered as private organizations, members can legally go to these clubs and buy/use marijuana if proper conditions are met.
United Nations Drug Control
Cannabis clubs plug a gap in Spanish drugs laws
Question #9: Are religious uses of cannabis permitted in the United States?
- No, religious use of marijuana is not permitted in the U.S.
- Yes, religious use of marijuana is permitted in the U.S.
- Yes, religious use is permitted but at this time is limited to Rastafarians
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #9″] No, the United States government does not recognize religious use of marijuana. In fact, a number of court cases have been rejected by U.S. courts, including cases where established Rastafarians were denied a religious use defense. However, a case in Hawaii came to the public’s attention this summer when a local judge ruled that she would allow a defendant to mount a defense against marijuana distribution charges based on religious use.
Marijuana Legal Organization
Hawaii Tribune Herald
Question #10: Can smoking pot regularly lead to cancer?
- Yes, smoking pot has been linked to cancer
- No, there is no link between smoking pot and developing cancer
- There are insufficient studies/research to make an accurate determination
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #10″]There are not enough studies to come to an accurate conclusion at this time. The few credible studies that have been conducted in relation to cancer and marijuana indicate that marijuana may indeed provide some protective benefits against certain types of cancers, while other studies indicate that the heavy carcinogens present in marijuana smoke may be cancer-causing. However, these studies were often skewed by participants who also smoked tobacco. Overall the general consensus by both marijuana advocates and detractors is that more studies are needed to answer this question accurately.
National Cancer Institute
Journal of Thoracic Oncology
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
International Agency for Research on Cancer
JAMA Internal Medicine
Question #11: Can smoking pot regularly lead to damaged reproductive function in men?
- Yes
- No
- Inconclusive – not enough studies exist
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #11″]It is well-established that smoking pot regularly can lead to reduced sperm count and decreased or impaired sperm function in men.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 90(2):984 –991
Recreational Drug Use and the Risk of Primary Infertility
Sperm from Marijuana Smokers Move Too Fast Too Early, Impairing Fertility, UB Research Shows
Question #12: Why does using marijuana cause an increased appetite?
- Dilates blood vessels leading to increased call for energy = hunger
- Activates CB1 receptors & regulates insulin
- Stimulates subconscious memories of food and eating
- Marijuana use causes dehydration that is misinterpreted by the body as hunger
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #12″]Marijuana regulates insulin levels and protects against insulin resistance as well as activating the CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the brain and central nervous system. Both of these effects are directly linked to hunger and the feeling of satiation or fulfillment. Cannabis not only increases the appetite (and as a result is useful as an appetite stimulant to treat serious diseases) but makes food more palatable, and increases the level of “reward” felt by eating.
Cannabis and ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) for weight loss?
The Impact of Marijuana Use on Glucose, Insulin, and Insulin Resistance among US Adults
Marijuana Users Have Better Blood Sugar Control
Question #13: Is it possible to fatally overdose on marijuana?
- Yes, overdose is possible on marijuana
- No, a marijuana overdose is not possible
- Yes, but only when mixed with other substances
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #13″]It is not possible to fatally overdose on marijuana. There has never been a documented case of a fatal marijuana overdose, and in fact there is no true definition of what constitutes a marijuana overdose simply because the consequences are generally not severe. For instance, consuming too much marijuana may make a person anxious or paranoid, but it would be difficult to argue that just because they experienced a negative symptom, that they had “overdosed” in the classic sense of the term. Consider a heroin, cocaine or meth overdose; the subject often becomes catatonic and without emergency life saving measures may die or suffer brain damage. This is not a concern with marijuana use.
The Science of Marijuana, Leslie L. Iversen
Marijuana and Medicine
Question #14: Can cannabis plants produce male flowers even once clearly sexed as a female?
- Yes, a female plant can produce both male and female reproductive parts
- No, a female plant once sexed cannot produce male flowers
- Yes, a female plant can produce male flowers, but only if exposed to male pollen
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #14″]Cannabis plants can produce male flowers at virtually any stage once the proper light cycles are present, including early enough during flowering to cause an entire crop to go to seed. When this happens the plant is referred to as a hermaphrodite, and there is no way to predict if and/or when this will happen.
Hermaphrodites | Dutch Passion Seed Company
Ed Rosenthal
Question #15: Properly stored, how long will cannabis seeds remain viable?
- 6-9 months
- 12 months
- 3-5 years
- 10-20 years
- More than 25 years
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #15″]Approximately 3-5 years depending on the moisture content and light exposure of the storage container. However, it should be noted that some seeds (from other types of plants) have been successfully germinated after thousands of years in storage or frozen in ice. This means that an ancient marijuana stash recently found buried in China could hold viable 3,000 year-old pot seeds.
Amsterdam Marijuana Seed Bank
Scientists have grown an extinct tree from ancient seeds
Scientists have grown an extinct tree from ancient seeds
32,000-Year-Old Plant Brought Back to Life
Journal of Experimental Botany
Question #16: Can cannabis seed oil power machinery?
- Yes
- No
- Yes, but only as a novelty
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #16″]Cannabis seed oil can be used to power many different types of machinery and can be used as an industrial lubricant as well as a direct fuel. In fact, Henry Ford built a car made of hemp materials that ran on hemp fuel: the vehicle was once featured in an early issue of Popular Mechanics.
The Future of Hemp in BC Conference 1997
Question #17: Can marijuana use by pregnant women harm their unborn babies?
- Yes, marijuana use harms unborn babies
- No, marijuana does not harm unborn babies
- Inconclusive – there is not enough research or data to answer question accurately
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #17″]There is inconclusive (and conflicting) information on this issue that makes a definitive answer impossible. This is only partly because pregnant women are unlikely to admit using marijuana while pregnant, and no clinical studies have ever been authorized for this group. Meanwhile, self-reporting and other surveys offer conflicting views. For instance, consider the two references we offer below: the NORML page lists references and refers to studies individually, while the page for the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre makes many explicit claims without any type of reference or citation.
National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre
Question #18: Is it possible to get a “Contact High?”
- No, a contact high is not possible without smoking or direct ingestion
- Yes, a contact high is possible even without smoking or ingestion
- Yes, but contact highs only occur in non-conditioned people
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #18″]Under the right conditions, a contact high is not only possible, but likely. Tests using subjects in closed areas with poor or no ventilation have clearly demonstrated not only a perceived and obvious experience of being “high,” but have also resulted in positive urine tests for cannabinols significantly beyond a control threshold. While a contact high is not likely in an outdoor environment, in a closed room with a great deal of sidestream smoke (not mainstream smoke, as this smoke has had the majority of its active ingredients stripped by the original smoker’s lungs) both inexperienced and veteran users can get a legitimate contact high. Ultimately this means that shotgunning your friend probably won’t get them high, but by rolling up the windows in a car and “clambaking,” it’s highly likely that even those in the vehicle who are not actively smoking will still get high, or at least have THC metabolites in their urine.
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Question #19: Cannabis is a member of what plant family?
- C. Sativa
- C. Indica
- Humulus lupulus
- Cannabaceae
- Humorous Answericus
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #19″]Cannabis is an erect herb belonging to the Cannabaceae family of plants, which also includes hops.
American Journal of Botany
Question #20: What is the primary chemical difference between C. Indica and C. Sativa?
- THC vs. CBD chemical composition
- Ruderalis vs. Cannabacaea chemical composition
- Indica has no THC content
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #20″]Cannabis Sativa has a high concentration of THC, resulting in a euphoric high, while Cannabis Indica has a high concentration of CBD, resulting in a “body buzz.” Consequently, C. Sativa may be best for treatment of psychological conditions, whereas C. Indica may be best as a treatment for physical ailments.
American Journal of Botany
Medical Marijuana – ProCon
Question #21: Where did the cannabis plant originate?
- Africa
- Equatorial South America
- C. Sativa and C. Indica originated in different places
- Inconclusive – Not enough supporting data
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #21″]Cannabis originated in ancient Asia, probably near the Himalayas and almost certainly in parts of India. Because both C. Sativa and C. Indica are essentially strains of the same plant, they share the same origins.
Genome Biology
Cannabis Genetics
Marijuana Grower’s Guide
Question #22: How long have humans been using marijuana?
- More than 10,000 years
- Approximately 4,700 years
- Since the late 1800’s
- Medical marijuana is a recent development beginning this century
- Since Roman times
- Approximately 2,500 years
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #22″]Approximately 4700 years. The earliest documented use of medicinal marijuana was by the Chinese Emporer Shen Nung in 2727 B.C. (However, it’s entirely possible that marijuana was being used by humans before this time. Obviously, for the Emporer to be writing about it, it’s logical to argue that the medical use of marijuana wasn’t new and that indeed it had been developing for a long time before Shen Nung wrote his treatise on it in 2727 B.C.)
DEA Museum
Prescription Ethics – Medical Marijuana
Question #23: What is the primary psychoactive substance found in marijuana?
- Tetrahydrocodeine
- Non-Oxynol-9 NO9
- Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol
- Delta(9)-Trihexchromosome
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #23″]THC is the primary – but not the only – psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. The full name of this chemical is Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol.
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Cannabinoids
Cannabis and Cannabis Extracts
Question #24: When was marijuana officially made illegal for non-medical use in the United States?
- 1927
- 1932
- 1937
- 1916
- 1914
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #24″]The Marihuana Tax Act was made into law in 1937. The Marihuana Tax Act was modeled closely after the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act passed in 1914 to make opiates illegal.
The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937
Harrison Narcotics Tax Act
Question #25: What is the average THC content of modern marijuana available on the illicit markets?
- 10-13%
- 18-19%
- 25%
- 3-5%
- 7-9%
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #25″]On average, today’s marijuana available on the illicit markets contains 10-13% of the active ingredient THC. Some strains seized by police have routinely tested at 25% THC, and reports of extremely potent strains at 37% exist.
Cannabis Potency by Year
Health Canada
National Institute on Drug Abuse
CNN – Is super weed, super bad?
Question #26: Is marijuana smoke as dangerous as tobacco smoke?
- No, marijuana smoke is not as dangerous as tobacco smoke
- Yes, marijuana smoke is as dangerous as tobacco smoke
- Marijuana smoke has been found to be MORE dangerous than tobacco smoke
- It depends on the variety of marijuana being smoked
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #26″]The short answer is no. While both tobacco smoke and marijuana smoke contain carcinogens, the primary active ingredients of each create an opposing effect: nicotine in tobacco promotes cancer cell growth, while THC in marijuana prohibits or protects against cancer cell growth. More definitive research is needed.
Harm Reduction Journal
Cancer Health Center WebMD
Question #27: What % of countries worldwide permit personal possession of marijuana through legalization, decriminalization, or tolerance?
- 23%
- 10.75%
- 16.25%
- 38%
- 27.5%
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #27″]Based on 196 countries worldwide if you count Taiwan, 10.75% permit the personal use/possession of marijuana through legalization, tolerance or decriminalization. That’s a total of 21 countries. However, many more countries are pushing for changes to their marijuana laws as well.
Legality of Cannabis by Country
Question #28: How long is marijuana detectable in a person’s body?
- 30 days
- 3-5 days
- 2-3 months
- Depends on the person
- Depends on medium tested – hair, urine, blood
- 2-3 weeks
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #28″]It depends on the person. Weight, body fat percentage, amount, frequency and types of cannabis used as well as the person’s overall metabolism and state of health will all determine how long detectable levels of THC or other cannabinoids are present.
The Department of Health | NHS
Question #29: Do male cannabis plants produce THC?
- Yes, male plants contain usable levels of THC
- No, male cannabis plants contain zero THC
- Yes, males plants contain trace amounts of THC but not enough to be used
- No, male plants are opposite female plants and so only produce lower cannabinoids
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #29″]Male cannabis plants do produce small amounts of THC in the leaves and stalks but do not produce “buds.” Still, male plants can be used to make cannabutter or even hash. However, most people destroy any male plants before they can fertilize their much more potent female counterparts.
Erowid: When to Harvet | Maturity and THC
***Many internet forums contain reports of substantial numbers of people using the leaves and stalks of male marijuana plants to make foods and products containing active THC.[/toggle]
Question #30: What is the difference between hemp and marijuana?
- The primary difference is that hemp does not produce THC
- Hemp and marijuana come from two different plant families
- Hemp does not produce flowering buds
- The primary difference is in the application; hemp uses fiber, marijuana uses female flowers
[toggle title=”Check your answer to Question #30″]Hemp and marijuana are different variations of the Cannabis Sativa plant. The primary difference is in how they are used: the hemp industry makes use of the fibrous stalks of the tall, thin variety of C. Sativa, while recreational and medicinal marijuana calls for the female flowers of a shorter, bushier variety of C. Indica.
North American Industrial Hemp Council
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