Yes! That old tagline from Alice Cooper is probably one of the most eternally celebrated – every year, and by each and every school-leaver.

What sounds better than a few months of delicious dolce far niente, plus a few doobies on the beach
and by the way, here is the ideal beach-side place Club Review – The Dawg House, Mojácar, Spain
in the city – here’s some ideas for Madrid 7 things to do while you’re stoned in Madrid …….. or Barcelona 9 Things To DO High in Barcelona wherever you may be.
But, I betcha, at some point an adult near you this summer is gonna ask what your plans are for the future. Whether that future is, like, right now, or a few years away.
And at the same time as swatting their question away, a bit of existential worry is gonna gnaw its way into your head, right?
Well, here’s an idea……
We have found the absolute dream degree option.
Cannabis Chemist.
Yep, we’ve found a small university offering a degree course in cannabis chemistry.
Trained chemists are needed in the cannabis industry to ensure the potency and purity of cannabis products, and also to explore the seemingly unlimited potential of its chemical properties.
What’s more, trained chemists are in demand across the US to fill positions in this blooming industry. Students looking to enter the lucrative field of cannabis chemistry need go no further than Lake Superior State University, Sault Ste. Marie in Michigan to receive top notch training in this field.
The industry is expected to add 500,000 jobs in 2022 and more and more states are legalizing cannabis for medical and recreational use. Hemp is already legal in all 50 US states. Plus, with a wave of European countries opting for legalization, the world may be a cannabis chemist’s oyster.
Obviously, potential students need a lot more motivation than just studying cannabis because they like a toke or two. The degree course is heavy on math, biology, and chemistry, but graduates can expect to gain highly paid posts when they enter the job market.
But, anyway, if you get tired of swatting away those practical questions from well-meaning people in your life, you could always tell them you´ll be opting for this latest study option for an entry into this interesting industry and will be submitting your application to Michigan.
Meanwhile, if you’re a student studying in Spain (or just a toker on a trip), you’ll be interested to know that cannabis is not legal in Spain, but fierce privacy laws mean that consumption is protected in a legitimate private cannabis social club. Here, at Marijuana Games, we’re not promoting the consumption of or selling cannabis, but within our mission of campaigning for legalization of recreation cannabis in Spain and other European countries, we can help with sponsorship.
Passionate about helping like-minded people enjoy marijuana and related products in a responsible way.
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