If you’re trying to figure out how to get marijuana in Madrid in 2018 and going into 2019, you’re not alone; each month thousands of people set out with this task in mind, but not everyone is successful, and not everyone who is successful in acquiring some weed in Madrid is happy about it. This article details the three methods of getting weed in Madrid, and assumes that you don’t already have a connection or know someone in the city. Or, you can apply for Madrid cannabis social club membership through the following link:
(This is a preliminary application process; not all who apply will qualify for membership at a Madrid marijuana club based on Spanish law and club policy. Application for membership is general and is not necessarily applied to any particular club unless the applicant fully qualifies.)

Getting Marijuana in Madrid: Traditional Black Market
It’s not difficult to find marijuana in a large international city, but it can be challenging to find good weed at reasonable prices and without engaging in sketchy situations with shady characters. Madrid is no different, so if you decide to take the traditional route to get weed in Madrid, be careful. Be observant and prepared at all times.
The best place to find black market marijuana in Madrid is in Parc Retiro – a large park in the center of the city – or in the Lavapies barrio, near the metro station. In either location, the process is about the same; look for African or Middle Eastern men who will stand there and attempt to make eye contact with potential buyers. These men often carry a small backpack.

Getting Marijuana in Madrid: Join a Cannabis Club Legally
People who are searching for ways to get marijuana in Madrid will be happy to know that there are approximately 60-80 legal private cannabis clubs in the city. These clubs operate on two provisions of the Spanish Constitution that you can READ ABOUT HERE. The clubs exist on the following principles:
- Constitutional Privacy Rights – what you do in your own home is no one’s business
- Constitutional Rights of Association – people have a right to form private associations
You can legally join and get marijuana at a private cannabis club in Madrid. Under the privacy laws, you must be sponsored to the club by an existing member. Under the Rights to Association laws, you are bound to ensure that the cannabis products provided to you do not fall into the wrong hands; i.e.; anyone who is not a member of the club.

Click here if you want to learn more about joining a cannabis club in Madrid, or you can email me here: russ@marijuanagames.org
Getting Marijuana in Madrid: Bring it with You from Spain or the Netherlands
In most cases it is fairly safe to bring a small amount of marijuana for personal use from and to the Netherlands and Spain. Meaning, if you’re traveling anywhere within Spain, it will probably be safe to carry weed along with you. Same is true within the Netherlands. Furthermore, if you stick a couple of joints in your coat pocket and fly from Amsterdam to Madrid, it’s likely that no one is going to bother you. Likewise if you’re traveling from Barcelona to Rotterdam and you’ve got a couple of grams of haze in your bag, in most cases no one will say anything – because they probably won’t notice and the laws in both countries in regard to cannabis are relaxed enough that the worst that might happen is that you get scolded and your weed thrown away.

However, if your flight or travel takes you into another country such as France, then none of these protections and policies of “looking the other way” will apply and you can face severe consequences if caught with even a small amount of any drug.
The best and safest way to get marijuana in Madrid is to join a private cannabis club, as there is almost zero risk for members to acquire and consume cannabis in the club or in another private environment. Click here for more information about Madrid Cannabis Clubs.

(This is a preliminary application process; not all who apply will qualify for membership based on Spanish law and club policy. Application for membership is general and is not necessarily applied to any particular club unless the applicant fully qualifies.)
- Barcelona Cannabis Club Review: Green Age - March 23, 2022
- Things to do after Smoking Weed in Barcelona - March 2, 2022
- 9 Things You Need to Know about Cannabis Clubs in Madrid - February 15, 2022
81 thoughts on “How to Get Marijuana in Madrid, Spain”
Hi Russ I emailed you! Hopefully you can help me out, in Madrid already for a couple of days. Best regards Jona
“… look for African or Middle Eastern men who will stand there and attempt to make eye contact with potential buyers. These men often carry a small backpack.”
This shit is so racist!
lol! Please enlighten me as to how this is racist. African men come from Africa. Middle Eastern men come from the Middle East. These are facts, and these are the go-to men in Madrid if you’re looking for hash or weed on the streets. Would you feel it was racist if I said “In Madrid executives from the Middle East and Africa manage small distribution companies” …? What if I say “European men sell weed in Denmark;” is that racist too? You need a re-education concerning what racism is, and a re-alignment with reality, because so far the racist talk in this post stemmed directly from you.
Hey Russ, will be heading out there for the week of 4/20. Definitely in need of your help, if at all possible. Thanks 🙂
Hey Russ! Emailed you about Madrid! Let me know if you can get me in somewhere!
Well, I’d like to thank Russ for helping me join one of Madrid’s weed clubs.
It’s a really cool and interesting experience.
You email Russ follow his instruction, quest like find the club do some paper work and get the STUFF.
Thank you Russ.
Veeeeery gooood overall.
Best quality.
Prices all included are equal to Amsterdam.
Well because I paid for the club membership 30€ + 8€ Monthly fee, got some 5 grams New York Diesel (sativa), 2grams Caramel (90% indica)
And a gram of best hash. All in all 138 €
Not too cheap.
Buuuuut for five days of active smoking I did not finish like 1 gram of caramel 2 grams of NY and about a half gram of hash.
Smoked basically 2 or 3 times a day while doing usual tourist stuff.
Russ, thanks very much again, I really appreciate it.
Oh I forgot I also bought 3 prerolled joints. They were very good.
I mean I had not smoked like a year before it. I bet I know how I felt 🙂
Hey Russ just emailed you wonder if you could help on short notice would apprecite it a lot!
Hi Russ,
Just emailed you, would really appreciate your help. Thanks
Hola Andrew; okay thanks, see you on Gmail. Peace -Russ
Hallo Sorry i have a question. Is it also possible to come to your Place as Tourists? My friend and ne arrive this Evening in Madrid! Thanks for your help. Best regards
Hey there!
Me and my mates will be visiting Madrid next week (NYE!! Yayy!!). We’d like to get help to get some decent stuff.
Russ to the rescue!
Hello nice people,
I am now since 2 days in Madrid(Mostoles) for winterholidays visiting my mother in law. I was reading how good guy Russ is helping ppl all around the globe.
Can you please give me also some help in making my holidays more relaxed ?
Hola Cata; thanks for your comment. Please email me at russ@marijuanagames.org to discuss. Peace -Russ
Can you help me please. Looking for haze in Madrid
Hola Karim; please email your request to me at russ@marijuanagames.org
Hello I’m in Madrid now and I really want to smoke a good joint before my trip back home so anyone please can find me some ?
Hola Vanessa; please email me at russ@marijuanagames.org and I will be happy to help. Peace -Russ
Hey! I was planning on flying from Barcelona to Madrid with a small amount, is there anywhere that would be best to store it so as not to alert security? Should I roll it up before hand? What are typical fines for carrying let’s just say 3-4 grams or 5 joint if it’s better to roll it? Hope to hear from you soon!
Hey, would you say it’s safe to go by plane from malaga to Gran Canaria with a small amount? Thanks
Hola Jasmin; yes, I think that’s reasonable, as long as it’s only a personal amount, you’re probably be fine. Be safe. Peace -Russ
Hi I have a guest from USA who normally smokes medical marihuana and ask me where he can buy it in Madrid. I know that at el Retiro you can find Marihuana but don’t want to take any risk. Can anybody help me??
Hola Jimmy; read this article and then email me; russ@marijuanagames.org https://marijuanagames.org/los-secretos-de-maria-cannabis-club-in-madrid/
Subscribe u in a social club!
I just arrived in gran via. Where can I buy sativa ??
I’m just arrived in Madrid, plaza mayor, but i don’t want take risks, is there anyone who can help me here around?
Thanks, Nino
Hola Nino; please email me at russ@marijuanagames.org with your above message. Peace -Russ
Has anyone been hooked up yet,just got to madrid and cannot find anything??
Hey Russ! Sent you an email, thanks for the advice
Hola! I, my class and 2 others are going to Madrid in 3 days and I wanted to get some weed in Madrid.. So I read this topic and it helped me a lot but I also have other questions so I sent you an email I hope you read it and reply thanks a lot cya!
In Madrid and looking to score some good smoke – anyone help
Hola Nick; please email me at russ@marijuanagames.org Peace -Russ
I’m in Madrid and I’m looking for buy, can you help me ?
Hola Burton; please email me at russ@marijuanagames.org Peace -Russ
Just tried to buy from Retiro and the guy wouldn’t budge on his price of 40. The bag was rolled real tight and ended up being a tightly rolled tissue. Don’t buy from the black guys in the park.
Hola Matt; thanks for letting us know, and sorry this happened to you. Retiro park definitely requires caution and the ability to absorb risk. If you emailed me I could have helped you mate! russ@marijuanagames.org Peace -Russ
Hey Russ, I just got to Spain and I really want to chill tonight. Can u help me?
Hi Russ,
Just got to Madrid and was wondering if you could help me out.
Hi Richard; please email me at russ@marijuanagames.org Peace -Russ
Hi russ… i just landed in Madrid from Australia
Best place to go see someone about this topic. ?
Hola Beau; please email me at russ@marijuanagames.org Peace -Russ
Hi guys I’d like to get some weed and chill, I ll be here until Sunday morning!
Hola Maxime; please email me at russ@marijuanagames.org Peace -Russ
You still in madrid ? Im out here and need some bud too but i speak good spanish so xan help lol
Hola; please email me at russ@marijuanagames.org for assistance. Peace -Russ
Looking for a good place to chill and enjoy some good bud.