Cannabis Club & Dispensary Reviews

Barcelona Cannabis Club Review: Green Age

Green Age cannabis club in Barcelona is one of the city’s best cannabis social club. With chic, contemporary decor, a marijuana selection unlike that of any other dispensary, Green Age cannabis club is a super smart example of everything that a good smoker’s organization should be. The club manages to be hip and chill, exclusive but warm, and above all else – dedicated to the cause that we’re gathered here for: freedom to use marijuana.


(This is a preliminary application process; not all who apply will qualify for membership based on Spanish law and club policy. Application for membership is general and is not necessarily applied to any particular club unless the applicant fully qualifies.)

IMPORTANT: The cannabis club described in this review is a private association adhering to all laws and regulations governing such associations, most specifically but not limited to the following requirements:

*All new members must be sponsored by existing members. This is in keeping with the “Closed Circle” doctrine of law and the natural private state of cannabis clubs.

*All rules and guidelines in a cannabis club’s “Articles of Association” must be obeyed and enforced under Spanish law.

*All new members must be habitual or current cannabis users.

*All new members must be age 18 or 21 at a minimum, based on the Articles of Association established by each club.

*All members are advised that cannabis in public places is illegal in Spain. Outside of the private environments of cannabis associations and private homes, consumption or possession is prohibited.




Club Environment


Situated in the chicest part of Barcelona, where all the biggest worldwide brand names have chosen to locate their boutiques, Green Age is a must-visit for the discerning marijuana consumer.  The outside door to Green Age is more tasteful than that of any other cannabis club in Barcelona that I’ve been to. Instead of unmarked commercial aluminum, Green Age’s glass doors with logo feel like the entrance to an up-market spa.

Once inside you’ll be greeted by the friendly staff, who helpfully speak several languages. The lobby is elegantly decorated,  with lots of welcoming earthy wood tones.

Just beyond the reception area is a space thoughtfully set aside for a meeting space, which would be really cool if you are in town for business,


Further along is a beautifully appointed bar, with high stools where you can have a refreshment whilst making your selection of some of the finest weed in town.  (See below.) In the main lounge area, there are several seating zones featuring plush Chesterfield leather armchairs and couches set around contemporary designer coffee tables, all of which gives it a sophisticated 5-star feel. It’s an ideal space for spending quality time by yourself, in the company of friends, or even new friends you might meet in this sumptuous club.

Also are some high tables with stools for more of a cool urban bar feel or for working on your laptop whilst you vape or smoke or whatever.

Ideal for a rainy afternoon, a quiet evening or just because you feel like it, the club has lots of chess sets and other board games for your entertainment,  If it’s more to your liking, there’s an area with a couple of billiard tables and even futbolín.


At night, the lighting in the club is seductive and low, conducive to relaxing, chilling out with friends and enjoying the product. But the vibe is livelier at other times, too. Just like any of your favorite places, it just feels like a good place to be.

Unlike many other clubs which are always dark and underground, there is a surprising amount of daylight coming through skylights in the lounge area, designed to create a certain feeling…I think. That’s the way it seems to me.

Marijuana Selection


Green Age also has a unique offering of marijuana strains and hashish that you just won’t find elsewhere in Barcelona. I had been frequenting 6-8 other clubs at the time, and I was definitely noticing trends not only in their weed menus, but also in the menus of other clubs that I checked out but did not become a member of. Green Age bucked that trend completely, and at the time I reviewed their menu selection, they were the only club in the city that I knew of offering these particular strains:

Shiva Shanti
Medicine Man
Big Bud
White Shark
Green Spirit

I picked up some of the Nuken, and as you’ll see in the review for the Nuken strain, I was quite impressed. This bud was just as beautiful as Green Age’s decor.

Additionally, Green Age offers some interesting hash types.

Overall the marijuana and hash offerings at Green Age are unique enough and potent enough to please even the most demanding weed snob.

Green Age: Events & Extras

Green Age has the usual selection of pipes, papers, filters, grinders, sodas, tea, water, coffee, etc. available at most clubs. But this club also offers edibles on a regular basis.

Green Age generally hosts a number of different events including DJ nights, live music, games and tournaments, holiday celebrations, samplings, dancing and more.

Green Age: Staff

The motto of this club is “We are family,” and it seems like they really mean that. The staff has always been extremely courteous and professional while still being quite welcoming – it’s a nice change from some other clubs where the staff is about as stoned and careless as the average tourist on La Rambla. If you ask a question, they’ll know the answer, and if they don’t they will find out for you. Awesome!



Green Age is perfect for a romantic and quirky first date, a business meeting or a gathering with friends or family; in fact the club is appealing for practically all events and occasions. And with a “highly” unique marijuana selection, it’ll keep cannabis connoisseurs happy and continually coming back for more.


Just as an aside, here’s a list of cool things to do in BCN in 2024.


(This is a preliminary application process; not all who apply will qualify for membership based on Spanish law and club policy. Application for membership is general and is not necessarily applied to any particular club unless the applicant fully qualifies.)

If you’ve been to Green Age, let us know your thoughts in the comments. If you’ve been to a club that you think is better, let’s hear about it!

Barcelona Cannabis Club Review Rating for Green Age: 5 out of 5 Stars!

99 thoughts on “Barcelona Cannabis Club Review: Green Age

  1. Hey Russ,

    I joined Green age last May 2014 and I am going back again for a few weeks to Barcelona in May. I can’t find my membership card will the ID I gave previously be ok ?


  2. Hi Russ,
    Ne and a feiend are in Barcelona (3rd or 4th time) and we are tired of all that tourist stuft.
    Honestly, we just wanna chill and enjoy a decent spliff here im barcelona (and furthermore we are curiousif it reallY that Good as described).
    Anyhow, we hope its not too Late to get any reply and invitation – predarrable arround GRACIA.

    Hang loose

  3. Great review Russ!
    I’m from Italy and I will be within six days in Barcellona! How can i become a member of this social club? Do they have an email? Thanks

    1. Hi Umberto; if you are not a Spanish national or holder of NIE, Green Age will not accept you for membership, sorry. Also, you need to be sponsored in person by a current member. You should probably read some of my most recent blog posts. Peace -Russ

  4. Went to his club on our honeymoon in Europe, thanks to Russ. It was an absolutely amazing experience — we met the owner, enjoyed a welcoming club and had a blast. The only bad thing was having to come back to the very very strict rules in the USA (well, our state anyway) :).

    1. Hi Nikki; Thank you for your kind words! We’re proud to have you as members are are pleased that you had a great time. I understand what it’s like to return to the old outdated ways of most of the United States. I have been in the US for most of the summer, and as of today it has been 2 weeks since I smoked pot! It’s really hard to find in the area I am in right now, thanks to backwards laws and bad attitudes. Oh well, I return to Barcelona in a couple of weeks and hope to see you guys at Green Age soon! Peace -Russ

  5. Hi Russ,

    My wife and I are new to Barcelona and just read the above review. We would love to become members of Green Age. Please email me to let me know next steps.

    Thanks, and we love your website! Keep up the good work.


  6. Hey Russ. I emailed you earlier, but it occurred to me I provided scant details of our location. It turns out Green Age is a wonderfully short walk from where we’re staying. So if you’re about, give me a shout. Would be great to meet you. Thanks.

  7. Hey Russ, I am with a group of friends and we’re staying in Barcelona for a week at the moment. We are interested in finding a cannabis club while we’re here and this Greenage place looks very nice . Just wondering if you could give us a bit more info on how we could find it and become members or recommend somewhere more suitable. Thanks

    1. Hi Nate; Green Age is an excellent club, however, their board of directors has recently changed their policies, tightening the requirements for new members. We can discuss it further via email: There are often other options available as well. Peace -Russ

  8. Hi Russ,
    Myself and two of my friends have booked a 4 night stay in Barcelona recently and we really would love to experience the cannabis clubs, to be honest, its the main reason we are going. We have a friend who lived there for a couple months and when he told us about the clubs we booked a flight the next week. Our problem is we cant decide which club we would want to try and join. We would of loved to try out the Greenage but unfortunately we are all 19-20 so I dont think they would allow us to even apply. Is there another club similar to this one perhaps with an over 18s policy and not over 21s? Or is there even one you could reccommend to us?
    Thanks so much in advance and hope to hear from you soon Russ!

    Happy smoking from Peter and friends.

    1. Hi Peter; right now I don’t know of any good clubs that are accepting members who are under 21. That may change in the near future, so check back soon. Peace -Russ

  9. Hey Russ! I am already a member of Greenage and it is a great club. Which other club do you really recommend? For me it is all about the potency of the cannabis that matters!

  10. Hi russ, I have been going through several f your reviews and found them very interesting. I am leaving for barcelona tomorrow and just going for a short break to see some of gaudi’s fabulous artworks with my brother and step dad.We will be staying in port & rambla and we are all smokers; I’mm 22, my bro is 18 and my step dad is 40. I was just wondering which club you would mostly recommend that is near by and whether you would be able to sponsor us for whichever club that may be. many thanks, keep doing what youre doing, and peace out dude x

  11. Green Age was a fun and welcoming place. It’s large and offers a few different ambiances to relax in- couches, tables and chairs, a bar, etc. It felt natural to strike up conversation with other members- I met friendly, interesting people from various countries. One night there were people jamming (acoustic), at one point they were showing a football match on a projector screen.. Overall, I loved it and will be back 🙂 Thanks Russ!

  12. I came here while visiting last month in Barcelona thanks to russ sponsoring my membership. This club was so awesome. Centrally located right on Avinguda Diagonal, it may be a bit hard to find as it is somewhat hidden in plain sight, but well worth the trip. I only got to go here once, but the 20 euro membership fee was still worth it as it was a very cool, chill environment. Come by for a coffee, watch some TV and chat with the locals. The staff was very laid back and helpful all at the time same. The product was top notch. I wish I could have come here more than once on my trip. However, I am holding on to my membership card and will definitely come here again next time I’m in BCN.

    I owe Russ a thousand thank yous for sponsoring me and opening up my eyes to the beauty of BCN Cannabis Clubs.

  13. We were in Barcelona for Sonar Festival and Russ very kindly helped us get membership to the club. It was a most worthwhile experience and I will definitely be going again very soon.

    A note to future members – Don’t be put off by the seemingly expensive membership fee of 20 euros. It is well worth the investment and the experience alone is worth the price.

    Thanks Russ!

  14. We just returned from Barcelona, where we went to the GreenAge almost every evening. Although the personal doesn’t really speak English and we don’t speak a word in Spain or Catalan, they were really friendly to us. It was always nice to be there, espially on the last evening watching the WorldCup game on a beamer in first row from a sofa! Thank you again, Russ, for sponsoring us!

  15. I went there in june. And everithing was like The
    Article of Russ. The local is great, with very Nice funiture and perfect weeed in a Nice price. Im from Brazil and hope one day we could have something like this place. 20 euros to became a menber and The best stuff is there for you to get!! Thank Russ for sonsor me in this great place!!!

  16. Russ, thanks so much for sponsoring me. I went along last Friday and it was really a very cool place.
    Many many thanks again Russ. I’m so happy about my membership! 🙂

    Peace and love to all.

  17. I was at Green Age this week, had my membership sponsored by Russ. Everything was just great! It is a warm and welcoming environment indeed, felt like home. Totally matches the review. Thanks again Russ!

  18. Hi Russ, a very good and accurate review and an excellent website altogether.
    I just want to say thanks again for offering to sponsor me become a member. Everything went really smooth about the membership and it was followed by a great time in the club.

  19. G’day Russ,I am currently in beautiful Barcelona from Friday till Monday.I just found out about these clubs and my research led to your site.Very cool and very informative.I am an Aussie travelling alone,am 40yo,and been a partaker for many years.I would absolutely love to sample what Barcelona has to offer and meet some others.If you could help me out with a membership to green age,that would be much appreciated.A visit any time Sunday or Monday would be ideal.Love ya work.cheers.Craig

    1. Hi Craig;

      Thanks for your comments! Barcelona is a great place, but the cannabis club scene is still relatively unknown in the rest of the world, comparatively speaking. I also was already in Barcelona before I discovered the clubs even existed. Anyway, I will send you a private message, so check your email. Peace -Russ

  20. Hi Russ,
    I am an art enthusiast and avid skateboarder who will be returning to Barcelona tomorrow. I am staying in the el borne neighborhood and would love to check out a new cannabis club, green age sounds incredible! I would greatly appreciate any help you can provide.
    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi Alix;

      Ah! One of my favorite areas of Barcelona. Just out of curiosity, which clubs are you a member of now? Anyway, I will send you a private message so check your email for more information. Peace -Russ

  21. Hi Russ,

    I will be coming into barcelona tomorrow, with my fiance, for a few days and i would love to become a member of one of the clubs around the born area, and green age, can you help or reccomend any areas?

    thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Dermot; of course; I will be happy to assist. There are a number of great clubs in that area, although Green Age is one of my favorites. I will send you an email and we can discuss it from there. peace -Russ

  22. Hi Russ,
    i would congrats to you for your huge work, I’m really enjoying it!
    Yesterday I friend of mine told that in Barcelona there is the possibility to become a member among one of the weed-club that are in the ciy. So today i started to study and to inform about it. I will come back in BCN in some days after 2 years. If you have couple of minutes I would be very grateful if I could ask you something about the cannabis club and if u can give me some adiveces and tips about it.
    Thank you in advance!


    1. Hi Steve; thank you for your comments! I get a lot of questions and a lot of emails about the cannabis clubs in Barcelona, so I have written 2 articles that you should read that will tell you everything you need to know:

      10 Things You Need to Know about Barcelona Cannabis Clubs:

      Barcelona Cannabis Social Clubs Vs. Amsterdam Coffeeshops

      Then, just email me the day before you arrive in Barcelona at and I will be happy to assist you. Peace -Russ

  23. Great review! I just found this site while searching for a cannabis review.
    Green Age looks sweet.
    I’m going to Amsterdam in 10 days and see you are an expert– what coffee shops are best/ non-touristy for connoisseur buds?
    Plus, just got info about a Spain tour where I might be in Barcelona in Sept so these social clubs interest me, will have to read more here.

    1. Hi Bob; in Amsterdam I like Coffeeshop Solo for a quiet, out of the way club with good weed strains, although they are on the expensive side: But you should also read my review of Bulldog on Leidesplein: It’s a great place. If you want great weed but don’t want to hang out or pay high prices, then head toward Diemen and visit Smoker’s Palace.

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